Ocean to Idaho
Behind the Scenes: The Damage
I’m working on the ground shooting footage of a power line crew working by chopper in the air above a dam. We’re both dealing with wind, but one of us deals better than the other.
A gust of wind grabs my lucky grizz hat. Just as I reach for my (now not lucky) grizz hat, the wind grabs my camera and throws it in the dirt.
I stay close to my gear at all times, especially on windy days, but instinct forced my reach away for a hat grab and now I’m in trouble.
Worst gear damage I’ve ever sustained on the road and there’s no fixing it out here. Yes, I threw a major hissy fit. Then I pouted. Next, I brainstormed.
The lens didn’t crack, but the focus ring and lens hood did. I gathered the broken parts and duct taped them around the lens to keep it protected. I’m in limp mode, but I’m still shooting. Repairs have to wait until the end of summer.
Insider secret: I duct tape the entire bottom of my video camera to protect it from elements in the field. That duct tape is silver and goes on as soon as I unbox a new camera. It’s the addition of red duct tape wrapped around the lens that’s helping me limp along now.